my face

Hello there! I'm Martín Muñoz.

I'm a PhD student at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a researcher at the IMFD.

I've also done some teaching, competitive programming and music.

Contact me at mmunos at uc dot cl. See my CV -> here.

Journal Publications

Conference Publications

Miscellaneous research

I've participated in TCS Stack Exchange (my account) and in the OEIS (link).


I've taught five semesters at PUC Chile: Data Structures (once) and Workshop on Competitive Programming (four times).

Competitive Programming

I was coach of the Competitive Programming Team at PUC Chile (See the guys here (in Spanish)). One of our teams qualified for the ICPC World Finals (twice) 🎉

I'm part of the ProgCompCL organization and have organized+taught at open competitive programming training camps in Chile.

I'm an active competitor in online events, especially in CodeForces. My username is martins.


I've been keyboardist, composer and arranger in some short-lived bands since 2009. The last one was called Vendimia; we released an EP in 2018 (Spotify, YouTube).